Dec 16, 2022Liked by Dax Ross

Well done Sr. You captured the spirit of the event adequately. The beer mile transcends simply running and drinking beer by forging rich comradery bonds and memories seen only in the most remote corners of human existence. This write up needs a picture of that winners trophy filled up with a cold one. 🤙🏆🍺

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I really enjoyed this. While I have not experienced a beer mile, I have done some silly runs with groups, most recently an underwear 5K in freezing temps. This makes me miss some old running buddies and desire to cultivate new ones, to participate in a stupid silly extreme run again.

I'm also happy to read this before the inevitable and somewhat sanctimonious social media posts around December 31 about everyone doing a dry January and talking about how alcohol impairs athletic recovery, and then doing sponsored posts for NA beer. I've done a dry January twice, but I didn't tell everyone about it. Lighten up, people.

Your video made me look up one of my fave Mountain Outpost videos -- this one with '80s-inspired video game graphics and sound effects. Check it out, I'm still laughing! https://youtu.be/PDefPDVWDbw

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